Saccades test and the visual field

Concussion-Why Can’t I Function

Symptoms after a Concussion, such as difficulty functioning, result from the brain losing its normal ability to process information. Common post-concussive symptoms can include cognitive impairment, fatigue, emotional changes, sleep disturbances, personality changes, sensory sensitivity, headaches, and dizziness. Who Is Part of the Concussion Rehab Team? A multidisciplinary team such Read more…

Post Concussion Physical Therapy Treatment using Mindfulness Techniques to Decrease Hypervigilance

Physical therapist and occupational therapists can enhance their treatment of the post-concussive patient by integrating clinical team members into their treatment programs. Post-concussion symptoms such as sleep difficulties, irritability, concentration problems, and hypervigilance can often be managed through appropriate training. In this video, a Ph.D. discusses post-concussion physical therapy treatment Read more…