Gait Training An Evidence Based Course Combining Manual Therapy, Exercise and Functional Activities

Why take this course?

This intermediate level two-day course provides an orthopedic perspective in the evaluation and treatment of the neurologically involved lower extremity. The evidence-based techniques presented in this class have been demonstrated to improve functional movement and gait. Treatment techniques that encompass functional activities, tissue mobilizations and blood flow resistance training are just some of the topics included with this comprehensive approach.

The concepts and principles demonstrated in this course enhance both the clinician’s knowledge base and hands-on skills. Clinicians will learn to identify impairments in alignment and prioritize the treatment approach to maximize each session for improved functional outcomes. Extensive lab time enables the clinician to learn how to analyze movement patterns specifically with gait, determine musculoskeletal dysfunctions (including muscle imbalances) and develop a working therapy diagnosis with appropriate therapeutic intervention.

Course instruction is enhanced by the extensive group interaction and hands-on practice of the evaluation procedures (with case studies). The treatment approaches that provide soft tissue mobilization, flexibility activities, strengthening exercises, functional activities, and proprioceptive activities are designed to improve gait and mobility in a timely manner.

Break out sessions will include video analysis of actual patients to allow the clinician to systematically diagnosis patient dysfunction and develop a progressive functional treatment plan. The techniques learned can be applied to a multitude of pathologies in both the neurologic and orthopedic realm (including, but not exclusive to CVA, SCI, TBI, Parkinson’s Disease, MS, CP, deconditioning, hip pathologies, arthritis). This course assists the clinician in becoming more efficient with making the correct therapy diagnosis, documenting, analyzing, communicating and progressing the patient to a more functional level while optimizing reimbursement.

Gait Training An Evidence Based Course Combining Manual Therapy, Exercise and Functional Activities

Course Objectives

  • Differentiate appropriate evaluation techniques and develop treatment programs for specific musculoskeletal restrictions in the neurologically involved lower extremity.
  • Analyze gait abnormalities and prioritize impairments to develop a treatment plan focused on improving function rather than just improving impairments.
  • Analyze other movement patterns associated with activities contributing to gait (including sit to stand, upper extremity activities, and posture).
  • Identify which muscles are firing/not firing at the appropriate/inappropriate time during a gait cycle.
  • Identify muscle imbalances through weakness, length tension disruption and joint hyper/hypomobility.
  • Design a specific plan of care for each individual patient aimed at the appropriate dysfunction.
  • Discuss how specific treatments are supported by evidence based research.
  • Discuss the difference in treatment focused on improving function versus improving impairments.
  • Demonstrate manual skills to perform soft tissue mobilization (including mobilization with movement and muscle bending), strengthening exercises (including NDT techniques), proprioceptive activities and stretching techniques.

Instructed by: Kimberly A. Contryman, PT, DPT, NCS, OCS

I am a clinical owner and rehab specialist. I will teach you how to optimize appropriate rehab programs to achieve the best functional outcomes within the new health care guidelines!

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State Continuing Education Course Approvals

All courses are pre-approved by the state licensing boards for physical therapists, physical therapy assistants and occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants and athletic trainers for license renewal in the state the course is offered.

Courses provided by AOTA providers are accepted by NBCOT. 1 hour = 1.25 PDU. North American Seminars is an AOTA provider, provider #4487

North American Seminars, Inc. (BOC provider #P2047) is approved by the Board of Certification, Inc. to provide continuing education to Athletic Trainers. This program is eligible for the maximum stated hours of Category A hours/CEUs. Athletic Trainers should claim only those hours actually spent in the education program.

Special Need Request - Please submit a help ticket if you require any special needs in regards to registering or attending a course.